Thursday, July 27, 2006

curhatan bis kota

cannot go home at 5 today leh *taela singaporean banget ya, kikikikikiki*
ada kerjaan di client yang baru bisa dimulai jam 4.30...
updated: umm, ralat, baru bisa mulai jam 5, hayahhh...
anyway, saya bersyukur karena saya masih punya pekerjaan untuk dilakukan ;)

malem ini entah mo makan apa lagi...
kemaren malem akhirnya makan di pak kumis lagi, soalnya jam 8an gitu baru laper, sebelom pulang ke rumah mampir makan bakso dulu soalnya :D
hari sebelumnya berhubung lagi pengen makan fettucini, jadilah mampir ke giant beli bahan2nya, trus pulang masak deh..
masih ada sih bahan2nya, mungkin bagusnya hari ini bikin fettucini lagi aja, kalo ga keburu rusak tuh bawang bombay nanti :D

makin berasa aja kalo perut makin gede, agak2 tengsin jg kadang2, soalnya prasaan orang2 bulan kelima baru mulai keliatan :">
trus jadi cepet laper, jam 12 baru makan, jam 2an udah laper lagi...
makanya skrg abis lunch beli buah, buat ganjel2 kalo sore...
nih ngetiknya sambil ngemil semangka sama kedondong, kedondongnya hari ini manis, eeennnnaaaakkkk :D
hmm, ngomong2 buah di rumah ada anggur yg udah dibeli dari hari sabtu, tapi males maemnya, agak asem sihh..akhirnya kemaren pas mampir giant malah sekalian beli xiang lie lagi, rekomendasi dari din2 dan hana, hehehe...

pengen cepet2 hari sabtu, lagi males banget kerja, pdhal kerjaan lagi banyak dan harusnya lagi semangat2nya nih, tapi ya gitu deh...
lagipula hubby balik sabtu subuh ini, itu salah satu alesan pengen cepet2 sabtu juga :)

oh ya, yg kemaren gue mo bahas itu adalah masalah pengamen.
bertaon2 naek turun bus/metromini/kopaja bawa banyak pengalaman, ada yg lucu2 ada yg kurang menyenangkan, lumayan seru sih :D
kaya tadi pagi ini...
paling sebeeeeell kalo yg namanya bus itu kejar-kejaran, duh buset dehhhh...
yg paling sering kejar2an sih metromini aka kopaja 91, minta ampunnn, udah mana kendaraannya tuh kayanya tipis gitu bodynya, pake nyalip sana nyalip sini, miring kanan miring kiri, ngebut ga kira2, iiihhh...
pernah lagi bus patas 34 yg kejar2an, plis deh!
bus patas AC gitu loh, yg bodynya gede, tapi bisa2nya dia nyalip sana nyalip sini, serasa motor aje...serem deh pokonya..
tapi pagi tadi, gue naek 213 ke kantor, nah 213 nih terkenal paling seneng muter, ga nyampe terminal grogol trus dia balik arah, kadang malah lewat tol dalam kota segala, pdhal di tolnya mah cuma beberapa meter doang.
hari ini bus gue tuh ga lewat tol, soalnya keneknya dah ngintip kalo tol tuh macet...
jadinya dia bersantai2 lewat jalur biasa, di belakangnya jg ga keliatan ada bus laen (mungkin kalopun ada itu bus lewat tol dan kejebak di tol), eh tau2 dah deket slipi jaya gitu sopirnya ngeliat di depan ada bus baru mo keluar dari tol...

kasian jg sih sebenernya, soalnya kemaren2nya gue ngerasain naek 213 tuh yg berjaya gitu, ga ada saingan, ngambil penumpang di slipi jaya sampe penuh, trus dapet lagi di slipi JDC sampe bener2 penuh, makanya tiap pagi mereka seneng kayanya.
nah kalo kaya bus gue tadi itu ceritanya kan merana...tau2 di depannya ada bus laen yg pastinya bakal narikin penumpang2 di slipi jaya dan slipi JDC duluan kalo dia ga buru2...
akhirnya bus gue itu ngerelain penumpang yg di slipi jaya, buru2 ngebut ke slipi JDC, tapi bus yg satunya jg ga mao kalah lah, dia narikin penumpang di slipi jayanya jg buru2 gitu, abis itu ngebut jg, jd jaraknya dekeeeett banget, kaya lagi racing gitu deh bo.
dan gue yg ada di bus yg udah kalah tadi (tuh bis blom bener2 penuh, masih ada bangku2 kosong gitu) jadi ikut2an tegang, pengennya bus gue duluan yg masuk slipi JDC, kalo ga kan kasian banget, percuma gitu dia ngebut2 segala tadi...
dannn..akhirnya sih 2-2-nya masuk slipi JDC, ehhehe...dengan jarak yg ga terlalu jauh juga..
tapi penumpang yg nunggu ga sebanyak di slipi jaya tadi, akhirnya sopir busnya agak nunggu sambil jalan pelan2, nunggu orang2 yg baru nyebrang, baru deh lumayan keisi bisnya.

sebenernya sih gue paling sebel kalo mereka kejar2an gitu, serem boo jd penumpangnya...
dan lagi, kaya tadi itu, yg satu ga jadi berenti di slipi jaya (bus gue), yg satu lagi narikinnya jg buru2, akhirnya beberapa penumpang ga jadi naek yg mana2...
dan gue jg udah beberapa kali ngerasain naek metromini/kopaja yg kalem2 aja walopun di depannya tuh ada saingan, tapi akhir2nya malah dapet berkat tuh, penumpangnya lumayan banyak...
jadi menurut gue sih ga perlu ngotot2 gitu..
tapi ya sutra lah, mereka jg ada tuntutan ngejar setoran segala soalnya...

sebenernya yg mau gue bahas kemaren tuh soal pengamen, tapi berhubung tadi pagi ngalamin kejadian seru gitu jd nulis tentang itu dulu deh, soal pengamen besok lagi ya.

dah ah, mo siap2 pegi, ciao...

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

short post

I received exciting news from xiamen today, they've managed to get 1 gold medal and 1 silver medal, how cool is that?!
it was a suprise yet very happy news.

it's good for them to achieve some big acknowledgment from world level competition like this, and hopefully they can get the same appreciation here at their own country.
they were even asked to perform in one of the concert held for citizen there, very cool isn't it?

anyway...2 more days and he'll fly back home :)

oh, I actually have another piece of my mind that I want to post in this blog, maybe I'll keep it for tomorrow :)

speaking of pregnancy, the tummy has grew quite fast these past few days.
gee...I even kind of worry that it's abnormal in a sense that it's too big for 3 to 4 months pregnancy. Maybe I get weight too much and too soon :">
let's see, I'm planning to ask my doctor next month when I see him.

really can't wait to feel the movement.
anyhow, lately I've been waken up several times in my sleep, maybe the phase of "having problem on get to sleep" has been started. lucky for me I can still continue the sleep each time I awake :D

5PM already.
gonna pack up and leave office.

see ya.

Monday, July 24, 2006

hidup MGB!

this morning I woke up with hope that I can spend the day at office the way I spent it the last 3 days - sit nicely on my chair, browsing here and there, update the application I've been working with once in a while, pray that there'll be no call from clients, pack things up at 5 and go back home - :D

then again, I've just found out that one of my project is scheduled to be tested by next week, means I have to rush finishing the application. Anyhow, my notebook is not with me now, and I'm currently using my hubby notebook (since he's still at xiamen), thus it's a bit difficult for me (with my lazy ass) to continue the work since I haven't got my required programs installed in hubby's notebook.
So, I think I'll just wait until tomorrow to meet my colleagues, then I can get the installation source from them, hee hee...

this morning I received a good news from xiamen, later at noon not so good news came up, hmm...hopefully his negative thought won't end up as a I'm waiting for another good news tonight...
anyway, I think they enjoy their time there, they've managed to get to final for 1 category, and tonight they've been asked to perform in a concert, yay! that's quite cool, since only 9 choirs from 9 countries will participate.

hey, it's almost 5 already, hee hee...
no interruption call, nothing to do!
so I'm off to home in any minute now.

Friday, July 21, 2006

new blog!

hi there!

this is my first post in blogspot, but it's not actually my first blog, I've got myself a blog at friendster long time ago, and it's been a long time since my last update.
I guess most likely we can expect the same thing happen to this one :)

anyway, my previous blog was quite boring since mostly the topic was about my job, this one hopefully won't be that bad
Actually the thing inspired me the most to create a new blog is to write down my ongoing experience of pregnancy :)

yes, I'm currently 3 months pregnant (13 weeks to be precise), and having and enjoying every joyful moment, and I think there are still a lot more to come, and I want to memorize it and write it down so I (or my child later on) can read and remember this time.

I guess that's all for my first post.
btw, this was actually written on the day this blog created, which is July 21st, but I got stuck in a moment, missing my notebook (which has just been taken for recovery) and decided to leave office early, thus I only get a chance to actually publish this post now.